Valhalla 16" 5.45 Barrel
Finally a barrel to shoot your 5.45x39mm Russian Poison pill ammo. Build out your standard AR-15 upper with this barrel and use your existing lower. (You will need a 5.45 bolt for your AR BCG. For best reliability, it is recommended to use a 5.45 Magazine as well.)
Protection from corrosion is enhanced by an ion-bonded bolt and a Nitride treatment applied to the barrel. The result is a weapon that can be fired with inexpensive corrosive surplus ammunition without the worry of damage to the gun, and without the need to immediately clean the rifle after every trip to the range.
The Nitride treatment applied to the barrel surface-hardens the metal, extending barrel service life by reducing friction in the bore and lessening bore surface wear. Nitride treatment produces an extremely hard, slick surface on steel that resists carbon adhesion and increases corrosion resistance, making for easier cleaning and maintenance.