TriggerTech AR15 Single-Stage Diamond Flat Trigger PVD AR-15 Adjustable 1.5lbs to 4lbs Trigger AR10
The same Zero-Creep Technology is used in TriggerTech's single-stage AR triggers which is comprised of a patented, free-floating roller that is captured between the sear and the ticker. This advancement makes it possible to eliminate creep from every one of their triggers.
Although the TriggerTech Single-Stage AR may look very close to its Two-Stage AR counterpart, developing the Single-Stage AR was no easy task. Many factors come into play that created challenges for their engineering team. The major challenge was that their disconnect technology was originally designed to require a first stage. Eliminating any movement in the lever before the break required a completely new disconnect profile. Another advantage of the two-stage design from a manufacturing perspective is that any stack-up lever ‘slop’ is masked by the first stage. They had to revisit the processes and tolerances for all three pivots in the lever-disconnect stack to ensure a perfectly crisp first stage.