Spear Manufacturing AR15 3 Chamber Compensator AR-15 5.56 Brake
Ratings 0 (low) to 9 (best) and Specifications:CATEGORY: Muzzle CompensatorFLASH: 0RECOIL: 7SIDE BLAST: 0RISE: 7LENGTH: 2.5"DIAMETER: 1.0"WEIGHT: 3.6 oz (.308) 4.1 oz (5.56)MATERIAL: SteelFINISH: Black Nitride
The six opposing side ports direct gasses outward to reduce muzzle jump. Effectively counters muzzle rise and recoil, minimizes felt muzzle blast. Solid bottom minimizes dust printing when shooting prone. Easy installation, secured with the supplied lock-nut.
1/2 x 28 tpi 5.56 .223 AR15 Caliber
Also available in 300BLK or AR-10 5/8 x 24 threaded for .308 barrels.