Guntec USA AR-15 Rainbow Purple Flash Cone Blast Can AR15 SLIM LINE GEN 2 PVD COATED Muzzle
Ratings 0 (low) to 9 (best) and Specifications:CATEGORY: Linear CompensatorFLASH: 0RECOIL: 0SIDE BLAST: 6RISE: 2LENGTH: 3.25"DIAMETER: 1.25"WEIGHT: 3.4 ozMATERIAL: T6 AluminumFINISH: Rainbow PVD
These muzzle devices do an exceptional job of sending the blast (Concussive Forces) forward and away from the shooter. Greatly reduces side blast and adds an aggressive 'cannon-like' appearance to your AR15. Due to the huge blast from unburned powder in short barrels, this is a highly recommended option for AR-15 pistols.