Adams Arms 5.56 PDW Tactical Elite Evolution 7.5" P Series Piston Upper
Complete piston driven upper receivers from Adams Arms. Piston systems are pinned on for ultimate reliability. Build as a pistol or Short Barreled Rifle (SBR) with proper license (all NFA rules applying to SBR).
Adams Arms Evo Piston AR Upper Receiver Features and Specs (from Adams Arms):
“- Melonite coated barrel: Melonite coating reduces internal barrel friction which extends the barrel life. Melonite coating also improves accuracy due to tighter coating tolerances and improves muzzle velocity by over 100 FPS. With no chrome lining to flake or peel over time, these melonited barrels will outlast hard chrome lined barrels two to one!- Modular tubular design: The only tubular modular upper on the market (other than Adams Arms very own competition upper.)- Samson Evolution Ultra Light rail: The Samson Evolution Series rail is the next step forward in free floating hand guards. Light weight and durable these offer the perfect upgrade for 3 gun shooters, LE/Military or weekend enthusiasts alike. The 1.8” facetted O.D .offers a comfortable shooting platform while not being to large for most shooters. Accessory rails can be added or removed easily to adapt the hand guard to your needs (units can also be mounted at 45 degree offsets).”
No lower included.May be shipped to your door, no FFL required. NEVER PUT THIS ON A RIFLE LOWER THAT IS NOT A REGISTERED SBR!Be aware of your LOCAL, STATE, and FEDERAL LAWS before ordering. Not for sale to HI.
Take a look at the review done on Defense Review:
This is a complete upper which includes a bolt carrier group and charging handle.